Monday, June 11, 2007

this is what they meant by

Maybe you are right and I am far too lazy to write and since this post has to include the tag so instead of continuing with my earlier post i choose to forward this article by a very favourite journo of mine... chandrima bhattacharya and her adorable & the city

Sex & The City
What are men scared of?


anubrata said...

Not to stir up a debate here but i find this chandrima woman extremely amusing...well actually not just her but the several women like her who write similarly under the bestselling subject involving 'mohila othyachaar'. All I'm saying is that i understand the gender has been ravaged and humiliated for more than 6 million years but isn't that how they have chosen to spend that period of time.i mean why blame an entire gender for being themselves.stay away! we are chauvinists, we are dirty, we are stubborn, unintelligent, insensitive, etc.we'll pay for go find yourself a function instead of whining incessantly about ramlakhan's hand at domestic violence...

speedpost said...

See that is exactly why she is such a favourite columnist... it is amusement for me.
i am neither a feminist nor am i trynig to stay away from the male sex. i mean they wudnt be male if they werent all those things. All i wonder is that if this women is indeed married(to sum god forsaken man) or in a relationship how can she carry it forward without thinking about all this as she is about to make out.... perhaps i didnt make my stand clear
"mohila ottachar" is overrated. full stop.

Doubletake, Doublethink. said...

and since when did annesha sil start commenting on mohila ottachar when she cruelly advocates child labour? huh? HUH??

see, i'm trying to sound like that woman and pissing myself off already. WHY can't people read jug suraiya instead?

speedpost said...

@priyanka kumar: they should... i wish the column wasnt published only once a week.. and also bachi karkaria... god bless sunday times..
its not me but my evil grandmom who insists on child labour. i called up the entally police station to complain bout her once but then my mom saw me and forced me to keep the receiver down.

anubrata said...

how will that help?? every indian man works from the age of 9 to 17 till he is old enough to understand that life is all about alcohol and liver damage...if you stop moral policing and look at it as a form of voluntary retirement im sure it'll work out for your conscience.

speedpost said...

@anubrata: i just want to see my evil grandmom in jail. for eternity. and i have exhausted all other means and even if it means reinstating my faith in a nonexistent system...
as for the men u missed out the "giving birth to more than they can feed owing to lack of birth control"(and sometimes maybe alcohol and liver damage clouding judgement) part.